MOCA has three locations in LA. Explore this terrific resource. Thursday nights are for an interactive, fun, stimulating series called Engagement Party at MOCA. It's free, too.
There are a ton of great galleries in Culver City. Make a day of it!
We watched two segments from the Art 21 episode Fantasy, Season 5, on artists Florian Maier-Aichen and Cao-Fei. These artists explore digital media in very different ways. The results, however, transport us to unreal worlds. Our final project options dwell in the realm of fantasy and I'm eager to see the outcome of your imaginings.
Using InDesign, your project will illustrate your career as an artist or musician ten years in the future as an artist monograph, art magazine article/review or album cover. The Illustrator option will be a specific and detailed spacecraft of your own design. Imagine that you have millions of dollars to spend on having your spacecraft fabricated in real life. Using Photoshop, for the third project option, you will create an imagined or at least altered landscape. Using a minimum of three original photographs, you will make a composite image that may be subtly uncanny or wildly fantastic (yet visually believable). The fourth option is up to you. You may have an idea that is closer to your heart. Write a proposal for a project that uses one or more of the Adobe programs we have covered. Be bold, imaginative and ambitious.
Be sure to hand me your project proposal with a written description, list of tools, photos and software needed plus sketched drawings of your idea on Monday 11/22.
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